Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Eggplant Feta Cream

Another "put everything in a blender" recipe, but real tasty:

For one portion:
about 50g eggplant, diced and cooked with salt, pepper, thyme
30g feta cheese

Calories: 90

Reaaaal good with pasta, but I guess it could make a wonderful spread on your bread, too!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Wheat and Kamut with Pumpkin Seed Pesto

For the pesto (one portion):
10g pumpkin seeds, roasted
1 tbsp ricotta
1 tsp mint
salt and pepper to taste
Calories: 85

Pour everything in the blender and press the button! :D (but leave some of the seeds out for garnish)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Contest: vinci un fantastico MacBook Pro 13'' con Apple Tribù

Avete sempre desiderato vincere un Mac? Ebbene, Apple Tribù http://www.appletribu.com , sito di notizie inerenti il mondo Mac, iPhone, iPad, e tanto altro, vi da la possibilità di vincerne uno, semplicemente partecipando al concorso indetto.

Il modello messo in palio è il fantastico MacBook Pro 13 pollici (modello base) con processore Intel Core 2 Duo da 2,4Ghz, 4GB di RAM, Processore grafico NVIDIA GeForce 320M e Hard Disk da 250GB.

Per partecipare ci vogliono appena 5 minuti: vi basterà seguire le semplici istruzioni riportate sulla pagina del concorso http://drp.ly/1qA86s , e sperare che siate il fortunato vincitore!

Il concorso è valido fino alle ore 15.00 del 14 Agosto 2010.

In sostanza, partecipate numerosi!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Feta and Rocket Pesto

You will be surprised by this pesto. It's really easy, really good, and makes your pasta smooth and creamy (although you can't tell from the picture, but trust my word!)
So here's the recipe for one serving:
30g feta cheese
rocket (as much as you want)
nutmeg, pepper
a squeeze of lemon juice
a little water
Calories: 85

Just mix everything in a blender and that's it. You're ready! Just remember to put a little less salt in the pasta water, since feta's very salty.